Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What's the point of life? Of loving something?

My 9 year old son asked me this last night with tears in his eyes.

Our 13 year old cat, Psycho, was diagnosed with renal failure 4 months ago. This past Monday he took a turn for the worst. Last night I told my kids that it was time to let him go, he was in obvious pain. The 12 year old knew what I meant and accepted it, but I had to explain a little to the 9 year old. That's when he asked me what the point of living and loving was if everything just dies.

We are heartbroken. I got Psycho through questionable circumstances (long, funny story) when I was pregnant with our 12 year old. We have many happy memories of loving our kitty. He was such a crazy cat. If he had been able to, I'm sure his favorite thing would've been flipping us off. For most of his life he weighed around 24 lbs. My big, fat, crazy, Psycho kitty. But I digress...

So what's the point of life? Of loving something? I'd like to think that I made my son feel better with my answer.

The point of life IS to love. Sadly, all life must end, but while it's here the point is to love completely and fiercely. To love unconditionally. No strings attached, no questions asked. Whether it's loving a person or an animal, love them with all you've got. Embrace everything that love brings. All the happiness, the smiles, and the laughter, the tears and the anger (because, admit it, there's always, sometimes that)-love it all. Don't be afraid of the hurt it might bring someday down the line because, trust me, if it does bring you pain someday, it will heal and leave behind something amazing.

Come to think of it, it doesn't even have to be a person or an animal. I'm not saying to declare your fierce love for an object, etc. I say that because love is what gives us a passion for something. Love to draw? Draw with all your heart! Love to sing? Sing it from your heart and sing it loud! Love to run? Then by all means run! Love to write? Then get writing (or blogging lol)!

Without love, there would be nothing. LIFE would be nothing. It would be just a big-o bag of boring loneliness. Empty. Useless and worthless.

Psycho, you were one cool cat and I am so glad I had you to love for so long. You will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. I dont think there is anyone in this world that could have worded this more perfectly. You have to be the most amazing mom ever. Oh wait ur my mom of course your amazing. I love you and as for you psycho you were the best feline siblings ever. You are greatly loved and miss. You will forever be in our hearts. Love u baby psycho
