Thursday, January 10, 2013

The storm before the calm...

You wouldn't know by looking at my house that I have been working on clearing things out and getting rid of all the unloved clutter because this house is a mess with a capital M! 

Luckily, I'm still holding on to my motivation.

As I looked around at the mess this evening while making dinner, fighting with the 2nd grader about homework, switching out the laundry, cleaning the cat box, and all the lovely activities that lead up to bedtime it dawned on me that I am going in way too many directions at the same time. Last week I started pulling the piles of stuff that have been thrown into the master bedroom closet over the past few months and now there are piles of stuff all over my room. Granted they're mostly sorted and ready to put away or get rid of piles but they're piles nonetheless. In the kitchen I've started pulling things out of cupboards and drawers and putting them into the same kind of piles all over the counters. The dining room table is various piles of paperwork and craft stuff that I'm in the middle of sorting. My office, aka. the front room, is, well...let's not go there just yet.

I hate to admit it but I am beginning to clearly see why 
my husband calls me a "multi-starter". 


One thing that absolutely has to get worked on is the garage. I'm not talking completely empty, with all my dream shelves and labeled tote boxes, I just need everything in neat stacks and pushed to the walls for now to make room for my fabulous and FREE Craigslist find that I'm picking up on Tuesday.          I can't be specific because it's a surprise for the hubby and who knows if he might sneak over to read my blog (yeah right but better safe than sorry). So tomorrow, after coffee with the principal and what feels like a thousand errands, I vow to spend at least 1 hour in the garage tomorrow. I should be able to spend more time than that but the one useful thing I used while being a Mary Kay lady is 
"under promise and over deliver".

I will also commit to spending 15 minutes in my bedroom, working on the piles in there. 

This post is getting too long and I'm getting to tired. 

I'll let you know tomorrow how the 75 minutes I just committed to "decluttering" goes.

BTW-I'm going to bed with a dirty kitchen. Pbbbt!

I may need to print this out and display it in my kitchen for some extra motivation.

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